Membership Details
Why become a member of the Borealis Paddling Club?
You will enjoy being outside, paddling with other like minded outdoor enthusiasts. Enjoy safety in numbers! Learn where to go, and gain skills and confidence from going out with experienced club members. No boat? No problem! We have all the gear for you to safely join us on the water. We offer social events like slide shows and film nights in the off season too.
Online Membership Form and Payment
Please click the button below to continue to the membership and payment form on the Alberta Whitewater Association website.
Club Waiver
Please print, read, sign and bring this waiver to the next club event. The club waiver is required to participate in any club events. If you are unable to print the waiver we usually have forms available on site.
Membership questions? Email borealiscanoe@gmail.com.
“Everyone must believe in something. I believe I’ll go canoeing.” -Henry David Thoreau.
In our case, we canoe, kayak, and paddle board!